Organizational Structure

The TP Alumni Fund is a charitable organization within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954


Role: Where We Fit

The TP Alumni Fund serves as a link between DCPS and private sector resources by being the channel in which the private sector may contribute donations (cash and in-kind) to benefit the students DCPS -  specifically, Terry Parker High School.


Design: How We Help

The purpose of the TP Alumni Fund is to serve as the vital link between the school system and private sector resources. The TP Alumni Fund’s key role is to be the channel in which the private sector may contribute donations (cash and in-kind) to benefit the students in the DCPS.

Contributions to students are made by directly paying vendors to avoid waste and ensure 100% of donation is used for donors’ designated purpose.

The TP Alumni Fund develops and promotes a positive relationship between DCPS and community. Our goal is to assist DCPS in meeting certain goals of their strategic plan (i.e., DCPS Strategic Plan sections 5.A2, 5.C1, 5.C2, 6.A1, 6.C2, 6.C3). See the DCPS website for the complete document.


Donations: How You Can Help

If a donor would like to contribute to the TP Alumni Fund, they may do so by making a designated contribution to the project of their choice. Donors may also make a general contribution to the Terry Parker Alumni Fund, Inc. 100% of donations will go directly to student activities.